The WorkSafe Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 (Vic) (the Bill) amends the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic) (OHS Act), along with others including the Dangerous Goods Act 1985 (Vic). The Bill has received its second reading in the Legislative Assembly and is listed for resumed debate on 24 May 2017. If passed, the Part dealing with the OHS Act is intended (according to the explanatory memorandum) to come into operation on 1 July 2017 and the remaining provisions at least by 21 March 2018 (if not proclaimed).
May 2017
Disability Discrimination on recruitment
It is not only employees who have the right to claim discrimination: Applicants for employment can also be discriminated against. Employers must therefore ensure that any recruitment process is not discriminatory.
A recent case of Government Legal Service –v- Brookes considered a recruitment process to the Government Legal Service (GLS). Applicants to that service are…
Minimum wage increase in Québec: some employers are flexing their muscles
On May 1, 2017, the minimum wage in Québec was raised from $10.75/hr to $11.25/hr. Although not as substantial as the increases that have recently been implemented in other North American jurisdictions, this raise is still significant when compared with the average annual increase implemented in the province for the past 10 years.
Some employers…
Reinstatement of employees following disingenuous consultation
The Fair Work Commission has recently made orders reinstating four employees whose employment had been terminated for reason of redundancy. The decision is a timely reminder of the importance of employers ensuring that they consult in a meaningful and genuine way with affected employees in a redundancy situation, where those employees are covered by an award or other industrial instrument.
Enterprise bargaining – minor technical deficiencies can derail the whole process
If your business is considering making an enterprise agreement, you must strictly comply with the procedural requirements of the Fair Work Act 2009 (FW Act) and ensure you use the newly amended Notice of Employee Representational Rights. For those who have already commenced bargaining, small mistakes made during the bargaining process may mean the parties’ agreement cannot be approved and the entire bargaining process must start all over again, which can be very costly and frustrating for all parties.
Dismissals for established poor performance may – still – be unfair
Just for once, we will talk about French lawyers. We say “for once”, because only a minority of lawyers in France are employees (a very large majority of us are self-employed).
From a French employment law point of view, although the employee in the particular case we will discuss here was a lawyer, that is…