The need to update existing labour laws in light of the rapid changes introduced by the digital economy is one of principal issues under the “new ways of working” debate and has made the headlines in many Italian papers, including the leading daily, Il Sole24Ore. We need to use the legal tools that are available
July 2018
National Minimum Wage – “On Call”, “Sleep In” employees
The Court of Appeal has held that carers who carry out overnight “sleep-in” shifts are not entitled to be paid the National Minimum Wage (NMW) for the full duration of the shift, only when they are actually performing work.
The UK National Minimum Wage Act 1998 creates the right for workers in the UK to…
Regulation applicable to dress codes in the workplace in France
An individual freedom…
Generally speaking, employees are free to choose how they wish to dress, including in the workplace. Such freedom is protected by the rules of the French labor code, which provide that an employer may not restrict an employee’s work clothing without proper justification based on the nature of the tasks to be…
Overtime and holiday pay – non-guaranteed and voluntary overtime
The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) in the UK has recently considered whether voluntary as well as non-guaranteed overtime should be taken into account in calculating the amount of holiday pay. The question arose both under the terms and conditions of the claimants’ employment, but also pursuant to the EU Working Time Directive (No.2003/88) (WTD).
Tort liability: other grounds for bringing actions against a parent company in French employment litigation
It is a fact of life in French employer-employee relations that employees have no hesitation in bringing actions against their employer, in particular following termination of an employment, and that litigation is therefore not just a virtual weapon. Not only do employees sue their employer but, where the employer is a part of a group…
Le temps de trajet des salariés itinérants n’est (définitivement) pas du temps de travail effectif
La détermination du temps de travail effectif des salariés est un sujet complexe, et l’enjeu est considérable pour les salariés dans la mesure où ce temps de travail effectif a un impact direct sur leur rémunération.
C’est encore plus vrai pour les salariés itinérants, dont les fonctions impliquent des temps de trajet importants (notamment entre…
Changes to Long Service Leave in Victoria, Australia
The Long Service Leave Act 2018 (Vic) (New Act) has received the Royal Assent and will commence on 1 November 2018 (or earlier). The New Act will replace the Long Service Leave Act 1992 (Vic) (Current Act).
Some of the key changes are outlined below.
The Australian Government has Announced an Amnesty on the Superannuation Guarantee
On 24 May 2018, the Minister for Revenue and Financial Services announced a 12 month Superannuation Guarantee Amnesty (Amnesty), subject to the passing of legislation, which will apply retrospectively from 24 May 2018 to 23 May 2019. The Amnesty is encapsulated in the Treasury Laws Amendment (2018 Superannuation Measures No 1) Bill.
AHRC launches national inquiry into sexual harassment in Australia
The Australian Human Rights Commission (Commission) has recently launched an inquiry into sexual harassment in Australian workplaces (Inquiry). It seems that the ‘watershed’ moment that the #MeToo campaign was hailed as, has indeed driven the momentum to keep the issue alive and for meaningful action to come from it.
There can be little argument that a culture that tolerates, condones or rewards inappropriate conduct or the wrong behaviours creates real and significant risk for an organisation – from a legal, commercial and reputational perspective. It is essential, both at Board and executive level, that there is an awareness and understanding of the organisation’s culture or cultures and the risks that arise through such a culture and, most importantly, that steps are taken to mitigate or remove those risks. Indeed, organisational culture and behaviours that are rewarded, encouraged or ignored, have been a key focus in the Financial Services Royal Commission and the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.