April 2020

Vendredi saint marque le début de la longue fin de semaine de Pâques au Canada. Cette année, les festivités seront sans doute célébrées différemment. En raison de la COVID-19, les grands rassemblements sont interdits et la majorité des lieux de loisirs publics et privés sont fermés, tout comme les lieux de culte. Peu importe les

Good Friday marks the start of the Easter long weekend in Canada. Undoubtedly, this year, festivities will be observed differently. Due to COVID-19, large gatherings are currently prohibited and most private and public places of recreation are closed, including places of worship. Employers must continue to navigate these trying times, holiday or not. Below, we

On March 31, 2020, the Dutch government published the Emergency Fund for Employment and Businesses. The measures are taken with the aim to protect jobs and incomes and to address the consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak on self-employed professionals, SME-entrepreneurs and large companies. The measures aim to ensure that companies can continue to pay their

In an effort to fight the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) is working on a bill to relax restrictions on working time in Germany. Specifically, longer working hours, shorter rest periods and the employment of workers on Sundays and public holidays for certain activities will temporarily

Comme plusieurs, les institutions fédérales doivent surmonter le défi monumental que posent la gestion de la situation entourant la COVID-19 et l’obligation d’assurer le respect d’un certain nombre d’exigences légales, notamment celles de la Loi sur les langues officielles (« LLO »). La pandémie de COVID-19 exerce une pression sur les ressources financières et humaines

Like many, federal institutions are facing the capital challenge of managing COVID-19 and ensuring compliance with a number of legal requirements, including those under the Official Languages Act (the “OLA”). The COVID-19 pandemic is causing stress on both financial and human resources of federal institutions. In such circumstances, federal Institutions are making difficult choices on

On April 1, 2020, the US Department of Labor (DOL) issued a temporary rule providing key guidance on paid leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). The rule clarifies that employees covered under a federal, state or local stay–at-home order may be eligible for paid FFCRA leave but only if work or telework

In this blog post, we provide answers to the following four questions posed by Ontario employers:

  1. Can my employees walk off the job for fear of contracting COVID-19?
  2. Do I still need to meet my filing deadlines?
  3. One of my employees reported having COVID-19 after reporting to work for several days—what do I do?
  4. Is