August 2020

Le 7 mai 2020, le Tribunal administratif du travail (le TAT), dans l’affaire Gendarmerie Royale du Canada et De L’Étoile[1] (l’affaire De L’Étoile), rendait une décision très attendue sur l’application du privilège relatif au litige dans le cas du rapport d’un médecin expert choisi par un employeur afin d’évaluer la condition médicale

Covid-19 has made working from home the new normal for many employees. This new reality has created challenges for employees  who, due to the closure of schools, daycares and other social services, have had to serve as full-time caregivers in addition to carrying out their everyday work tasks. Under these circumstances, it is important for

In a recent case, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has considered what happens to the employment contract of a transferring worker where there is a transfer of an undertaking to multiple transferees. The ECJ held that the contract should be split in proportion to the tasks performed by the worker of the time devoted