Last week, the Pensions Regulator (TPR) launched a new initiative that asks pension scheme trustees, administrators, advisers and providers to publicly pledge that they are taking appropriate action to protect their scheme members from scammers. The pledge is aimed to encourage better understanding of the warning signs of a scam, and to improve internal processes
November 2020
Contexte de pandémie : un arbitre se penche sur les droits et obligations des employeurs québécois en matière de télétravail
Dans une très récente décision rendue le 26 octobre 2020[1], l’arbitre Me Jean-François La Forge (l’Arbitre) a rejeté la demande d’ordonnance de sauvegarde du Syndicat des fonctionnaires municipaux de Québec (le Syndicat) visant à forcer la Ville de Québec (la Ville) à favoriser le télétravail.
Ce faisant, l’Arbitre a…
WHS regulators issue guides and codes of practice on psychological health and managing sexual harassment claims
Earlier this year, the Respect@Work – National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces, conducted by the Australian Human Rights Commission made key recommendations addressing psychological health and sexual harassment in Australian workplaces. Specifically the inquiry recommended:
- the model WHS Regulations should be amended to address psychological health by identifying and appropriately controlling work-related
Guidance published on the Extension of the UK Furlough Scheme
Further to our blog post on 5 November, when the UK Government announced that the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) will remain open until 31 March 2021, the Government has now published detailed guidance on the extension of the scheme. The guidance is comprised of a number of different documents covering such matters as which…
UK Job Retention Scheme extended until 31 March 2021
Further to our post about the extension of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), the Chancellor announced on 5 November that the CJRS (also known as the furlough scheme) will remain open until 31 March 2021. The Government also published a policy paper setting out further details of the CJRS, confirming that the scheme rules…
Six things you need to know about doing business during Alert Level 1
The national state of disaster has been extended to 15 November 2020, and a further extension is imminent. Employers must become comfortable with the regulatory framework under alert level 1. Here are six things to keep in mind to ensure your business is compliant.
Risk assessments and workplace plans
An employer is required to have…
Five steps to take when an employee tests positive for COVID-19 in the workplace
With more employers embracing the return to work, employers must be up to speed on what is currently required when an employee becomes infected with COVID-19 at the workplace. Here are 5 practical steps to take when an employee is infected at your workplace:
Step 1: Report
If an employee is confirmed to have contracted…
Sick leave under German employment law: Termination, medical certificates by phone and latest topics
Termination in case of the threat of taking sick leave
Employees who respond to an instruction by their employer with the threat of taking sick leave can be dismissed without notice. It is irrelevant whether the employee actually falls ill later or whether the instruction by the employer was unlawful. In a recent decision, the Higher Labor Court Rhineland-Palatinate (LAG Rhineland-Palatinate, 21.7.2020 – 8 Sa 430/19) has once again confirmed the previous ruling of the Federal Labour Court.
Furlough Scheme extended and the Job Support Scheme postponed
On 31 October 2020, the UK Government announced a the new national lockdown due to begin on Thursday 5 November. On the same day, the Government announced that the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), which was due to come to an end on that day, would be extended to continue during the period of lockdown.…