La Cour d’appel du Québec, dans Centre de services scolaire de Montréal (Commission scolaire de Montréal) c. Alliance des professeures et professeurs de Montréal (FAE), rappelle le caractère exceptionnel de l’exclusion d’une preuve pertinente – en l’espèce, un rapport d’enquête suite à une surveillance physique d’une employée – dans le cadre d’un litige et
Ce qui attend les employeurs assujettis à la réglementation fédérale en matière de salaire minimum, de congé lié à la COVID-19 et de travailleurs à la demande
Il y a bon nombre de sujets chauds et importants dont devraient tenir compte les employeurs assujettis à la réglementation fédérale du secteur privé. Parmi ceux-ci, notons l’augmentation du salaire minimum, les changements devant être apportés au congé lié à la COVID-19 et les nouvelles analyses concernant les travailleurs à la demande et la façon…
Up and coming for federally regulated employers: on minimum wage, COVID-19 leave & gig workers
On the radar for federally regulated employers in the private sector are a number of hot and important topics. These include an increase to the minimum wage, in-the-works changes to the COVID-19-related leave, and new discussions about gig workers and how they fit – or may be able fit – in the framework of the…
UK Pensions: Should the Pensions Regulator provide clearer guidance on when it might use its new enforcement powers?
It was great to attend “in person” the Association of Pension Lawyers annual conference in Brighton last week.
A speaker suggested it would be helpful if the Pensions Regulator were to provide clearer guidance on when it might use its new enforcement powers, in particular by giving more specific examples and thresholds.
I can see…
Stricter COVID-19 rules at German workplaces
In Germany the “Epidemic Situation of National Significance” ends on November 25, 2021. As a result, the German legislature has amended several COVID-19 related laws, such as the German Infection Protection Act (Infektionsschutzgesetz – IfSG), in order to continue certain protective measures. The amended regulations (BT-Drs. 20/15 and BT-Drs. 20/78) aim to provide for a flexible approach to providing a safe and hygienic workplace depending on different regional or sector-specific infection metrics as well as the vaccination status of the workforce. Employers will have to comply with the regulations at least until March 19, 2022.
En avant toutes : rapports sur la vaccination pour les employeurs sous réglementation fédérale dans certains secteurs clés du transport (et mode d’emploi)
Quand ils ont été tenus le faire, de nombreux employeurs sous réglementation fédérale des secteurs du transport maritime, aérien et ferroviaire ont dû être en mesure de confirmer la mise en oeuvre de leur politique de vaccination obligatoire à Transports Canada avant le 15 novembre 2021. Cette mise en oeuvre s’inscrit dans le cadre de…
Full steam ahead: vaccination reporting for federally regulated employers in key transportation sectors (and how to do it)
Where required to do so, many federally regulated employers in the marine, aviation and rail sectors were required to confirm the implementation of their mandatory vaccination policies to Transport Canada by November 15, 2021. This implementation is part of Transport Canada’s federal vaccine mandate for key federally regulated transportation sectors, save road transportation.
Ontario Superior Court declines to block termination of unvaccinated employees
In Blake v. University Health Network[1], the Ontario Superior Court of Justice recently discontinued an interim injunction[2] that had been granted to provisionally preserve the employment status of a group of unionized and non-unionized employees who were subject to the potential termination of their employment for failing to comply with the employer’s…
As the complaints pile up, the Tribunal presses pause: New BC emergency directive puts pause on applications to dismiss
Due to unprecedented delays at the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal resulting from a barrage of COVID-19-related complaints, the Tribunal has introduced a new directive placing an emergency pause on new applications to dismiss.
This emergency directive is a significant measure as an application to dismiss is an important part of the human rights process…
Au Canada, les employeurs peuvent-ils exiger que leurs employés aient reçu une dose de rappel?
L’accessibilité à la dose de rappel s’accroît – non seulement au Canada, mais à l’échelle mondiale également. Au Royaume-Uni, des doses de rappel (ou troisièmes doses) sont offertes depuis peu à la population générale de 50 ans et plus. En France et aux États-Unis, l’âge minimal généralement requis est plutôt fixé à 65 …