The UK Court of Appeal has delivered its judgement in another case looking at the issue of employment status regarding those working in the gig economy.

In the UK there are three levels of employment status: Self-employed, worker and employee.  Determining employment status is important for understanding the employment rights to which an individual is

Quand vient le temps d’évaluer le caractère exécutoire d’une clause de licenciement concernant des employés avertis en Ontario, l’intention compte. Dans une récente affaire, Rahman v Cannon Design Architecture[1], la Cour a jugé que la clause de licenciement était exécutoire, en partie parce que la preuve avait établi que, pendant les négociations entre

When it comes to assessing the enforceability of a termination clause for sophisticated employees in Ontario, intent matters. In a recent case, Rahman v Cannon Design Architecture[1], the court found the termination clause enforceable in part because the evidence established that, during contract negotiations between the employer and sophisticated employee, there was a

Disciplinary procedures are strictly regulated under French employment law. However, when an employer issues an official written warning to an employee because he has committed an act of misconduct, the employer can, in principle, be less formal. Unless the Collective Bargaining Agreement applicable to the company sets out any specific obligation, it is sufficient for

Attention : un entretien préalable peut s’avérer nécessaire avant de notifier un avertissement !

La procédure disciplinaire en France est strictement encadrée. Néanmoins, la notification d’un simple avertissement n’implique en principe pas l’obligation d’organiser un entretien préalable avec le salarié. Il s’agit simplement d’indiquer au salarié par écrit qu’il a commis une faute et, que

HM Treasury has just swept in with a change to the pension tax rules taking effect from midnight on November 3, 2021) which has closed down a little wheeze which was making some defined contribution master trusts even more attractive than usual. It’s disappointing even if it does put us back where we all originally

Les faits de cette affaire

Après plus de 17 ans à l’emploi d’une compagnie de transport de marchandises lourdes, dont cinq en tant que directeur général, un employé est congédié sans préavis ni explication autre qu’une alléguée « incompatibilité ». Ce congédiement intervient dans une période économiquement précaire pour l’entreprise. Une fois congédié, l’ancien directeur

The Ontario government has proposed legislative amendments to require companies to establish a ‘right to disconnect’ policy for their employees and to ban non-competition provisions in employment agreements. If enacted, this legislation would be a first in Canada.

The proposed amendments to the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000 include the following:

  • ‘Right to disconnect’: