Le contexte

Le 26 octobre 2022, la Cour supérieure du Québec, sous la plume de l’honorable Marc Saint-Pierre, a accueilli en partie une demande de diverses associations d’employeurs visant à obtenir l’annulation de certaines dispositions du Règlement sur les agences de placement de personnel et les agences de recrutement de travailleurs étrangers temporaires[1] (le

Plusieurs employeurs se questionnent quant à la surveillance électronique qu’ils peuvent effectuer auprès de leurs employés, notamment dans un contexte de télétravail en hausse.

Le 7 février 2022, la Cour supérieure du Québec, appliquant la norme de la décision raisonnable, a confirmé[1] une sentence arbitrale rendue le 3 août 2020[2] concluant à la

Legal obligations requiring persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to manage psychosocial hazards in accordance with work health and safety (WHS) laws are continuing to come into effect across the country.

Psychosocial hazards are hazards that may cause psychological and/or physical harm arising from, or in relation to, the design

For most, a contract of employment (or similar written terms of employment) and job description will set out the terms and conditions of the working relationship with their employer.  Among other things, it will include the individual’s contractual hours of work and may include the scope of their duties.  So what is the issue if

This article is co-authored by Jessica Kamleh and Artemis Sfendourakis

Embarking on fulfilment of its election promise to implement all 55 recommendations made by Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins in the Respect@Work report (Report), the Federal Labor government introduced the Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Bill 2022 (Respect@Work

The U.S. Department of Labor has recently unveiled proposed revisions to Wage and Hour Division regulations regarding employee and independent contractor classification under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The stated intention of this change is to be more consistent with judicial precedent and practical implementation.

The proposed change was announced on October 13, 2022


La Cour supérieure (la « Cour ») a autorisé l’exercice d’une action collective entreprise au nom de tout bénéficiaire, y compris ses ayants droit, ses successeurs et ses héritiers, ayant été indemnisé en vertu de la Loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles[1] (« LATMP ») pour une maladie

On October 31, 2022 the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board released a memo urging the Board to adopt a “new framework” for protecting employees from “intrusive or abusive” forms of electronic monitoring and automated management technologies that interfere with employee rights to self-organize and to engage in collective bargaining under Section 7