In Secretary of State for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs v Public and Commercial Services Union and two other cases [2024] UKSC 41, the Supreme Court overturned a Court of Appeal decision and held that a trade union was entitled, under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 (the 1999 Act
Changes to holiday pay entitlement based on an overall commitment requires co-determination by the works council

If the employer changes the existing remuneration principles in the company in breach of the works council’s right of co-determination pursuant to Section 87 (1) No. 10 BetrVG, the affected employees can demand remuneration based on the remuneration principles last introduced pursuant to the co-determination process.
Facts of the case
The parties are in dispute…
Änderungen eines Urlaubsgeldanspruchs aufgrund einer Gesamtzusage bedürfen der Mitbestimmung des Betriebsrats

Ändert der Arbeitgeber die im Betrieb bestehenden Entlohnungsgrundsätze unter Verstoß gegen das Mitbestimmungsrecht des Betriebsrats nach § 87 Abs. 1 Nr. 10 BetrVG, können die betroffenen Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer eine Vergütung auf Grundlage der zuletzt mitbestimmungsgemäß eingeführten Entlohnungsgrundsätze fordern.
Die Parteien streiten über Ansprüche auf Urlaubsgeld für das Jahr 2020. Die drei klagenden Arbeitnehmer…
Unilateral changes in agency contracts: Balancing flexibility and fairness

Unilateral changes in agency contracts are common, reflecting the evolving needs of businesses to adapt to changing market conditions, territories, products, or commissions. While these modifications are allowed in certain circumstances, they must adhere to principles of fairness and proportionality to avoid disputes and protect the agent’s rights.
Recent Italian case law has clarified the…
New Commonwealth Code of Practice – Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work (2024)

The Australian Government has recently approved a new Code of Practice – Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work under section 274 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Cth). The new Code is largely based on Safe Work Australia’s model code of practice of the same name, but there are some important differences.
A summary…
New government, new safety rules

Queensland’s new state government has moved urgently to make changes to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld) (WHS Act). We set out below a summary of the changes which were passed by Parliament late on Thursday 28 November 2024 and commenced on Friday 29 November 2024.
1 Cease Work Notices
Only a few…
Victorian Inquiry into workplace drug testing

This article was co-authored by Emma Anvari.
A Victorian parliamentary inquiry report published in August 2024 concerning workplace drug testing (the Report) contains key recommendations relating to medicinal cannabis for both the Victorian Government and WorkSafe Victoria.
The terms of reference for the Victorian Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Committee (Committee) included inquiring into the…
Offsetting holiday entitlements in the case of dual employment relationships

If an employee takes up other employment following an unlawful dismissal, holiday entitlements arise for the period of overlap of both employment relationships if the dismissal proves to be invalid in the unfair dismissal proceedings. This also applies if the employee would not have been able to fulfil the obligations from both employment relationships cumulatively.
…Anrechnung von Urlaubsansprüchen bei Doppelarbeitsverhältnissen

Geht ein Arbeitnehmer nach einer rechtswidrigen Kündigung einer anderen Beschäftigung nach, entstehen für den Zeitraum der zeitlichen Überschneidung in beiden Arbeitsverhältnissen Urlaubsansprüche, wenn sich die Kündigung im Kündigungsschutzprozess als unwirksam erweist. Dies gilt auch, wenn der Arbeitnehmer die Pflichten aus beiden Arbeitsverhältnissen nicht kumulativ hätte erfüllen können. Um die Verdoppelung von Urlaubsansprüchen zu vermeiden, wird
…The new Employment Rights Bill: What does it mean for employers?

On 10 October, the Government published the Employment Rights Bill 2024 (the Bill). The Bill contains significant reforms to employment rights and has been hailed as being a “once in a generation” change to the employment rights of workers. Its aim is to “deliver economic security and growth to businesses, workers and communities across…