En avril 2018, nous vous informions que le projet de loi 176 modifiant la LNT (en vigueur depuis le 12 juin 2018) allait avoir des conséquences pour les agences de placement. De nombreux détails demeuraient toutefois en suspens jusqu’à l’adoption d’un règlement venant préciser les modalités d’application de ces nouvelles dispositions.

En date du 10

Le gouvernement canadien a tenu promesse et a déposé, le 29 octobre dernier, son projet de loi intitulé Loi visant à établir un régime proactif d’équité salariale dans les secteurs public et privé fédéraux. En fait, ce projet de loi fait partie du projet de loi mammouth C-86, Loi no 2 portant exécution

After a few politicians at the federal and provincial levels recently stepped down because of sexual misconduct allegations, lawmakers debated Bill C-65 in the House of Commons this week.

Tabled in November 2017, Bill C-65 aims to amend “the Canada Labour Code (CLC) to strengthen the existing framework for preventing harassment and violence, including sexual

Employee or contractor?

The ContractorCheck Canada application (App) is a practical tool developed by the Norton Rose Fulbright employment and labour team. It is designed to help employers accurately determine the status of their workforces and whether they should be considered contractors or employees.

Defining employees versus contractors can be sometimes challenging; improperly classifying them

Through the Voluntary Retirement Savings Plans Act, the Québec government aimed at making sure all workers who did not participate in a RSP plan at their workplace had the opportunity to do so. The Act creates different obligations for the employers it covers depending on the number of eligible employees they have on their

In March 2016, we issued a legal update discussing Private Member’s Bill C-234. This Bill, tabled by the NDP, proposed the introduction in the Canada Labour Code of measures comparable to the anti-scab provisions contained in the Québec Labour Code.

This NDP proposition was undertaken to support longstanding unions’ demands – in the past,