Due to unprecedented delays at the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal resulting from a barrage of COVID-19-related complaints, the Tribunal has introduced a new directive placing an emergency pause on new applications to dismiss.

This emergency directive is a significant measure as an application to dismiss is an important part of the human rights process

The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (Tribunal) has published a number of proposed changes (Proposed Changes) to the current Rules of Procedure (Rules). According to the Tribunal, the Proposed Changes will be published shortly in the Canada Gazette, Part I.  However, some delays in publishing the Proposed Changes may occur due to COVID-19-related reasons.

What is

Le Tribunal canadien des droits de la personne (« Tribunal ») a publié les changements qu’il se propose d’apporter (« changements proposés ») à ses Règles de pratique actuelles (« règles »). Selon le Tribunal, les changements proposés seront bientôt publiés dans la Partie I de la Gazette du Canada. Toutefois, en raison de