termination of employment


Dans une décision récente[1], la Cour d’appel du Québec rappelle qu’il n’y a pas seulement le motif du congédiement qui importe, mais également la façon dont on y procède. En effet, congédier un employé cavalièrement peut avoir un impact sur le délai de congé raisonnable (aussi appelé préavis de fin d’emploi) et

Das Bundesarbeitsgericht (BAG, 20.12.2022 – 9 AZR 266/20) hat die Regelungen zum gesetzlichen Mindesturlaub weiterentwickelt. Urlaubsansprüche verfallen demnach nicht mehr nach Ablauf der dreijährigen Verjährungsfrist, wenn Arbeitgeber ihre Arbeitnehmer nicht regelmäßig über ihre konkreten Urlaubsansprüche und die Verfallfristen informieren. Arbeitnehmer könnten so ihren Urlaub zeitlich unbefristet ansammeln mit zum Teil nicht unerheblichen finanziellen Auswirkungen bei

In the recent case of Mogane v Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust [2022] UKEAT 139, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) found that the redundancy dismissal of a fixed term employee was unfair due to a lack of genuine consultation and the use of arbitrary selection criteria.  

The Claimant, Ms Mogane, was

Employees may have claims against their employer that can arise during the recruitment process, the employment or on termination.  In this case, the parties may enter into a formal settlement agreement to settle most statutory employment claims.  In order for any such agreement to be binding it must satisfy certain conditions.  The extent of these

In Thoma v. Schaefer Elevator Components Inc., 2019 BCSC 100, Mr. Thoma’s employment contract allowed his employer, Schaefer Elevator, to terminate his employment without cause on six months’ notice by providing Mr. Thoma his “contractually agreed remuneration during the six months’ notice period.”  Mr. Thoma claimed that this included payment of an annual bonus

When job redundancies arise in an organization, whether as result of a merger, restructuring, or downsizing, employers need to remain aware of duties under human rights legislation, such as the Ontario Human Rights Code.

To meet these expectations, an employer’s decision regarding which employees will lose their jobs can not be tainted in any

PRC law has stringent restrictions on the termination of employment contracts. Generally, an employment contract can be terminated by mutual agreement between the employer and the employee. In the absence of the employee’s consent, PRC law provides very limited grounds for termination of an employment contract by the employer. There are two categories of statutory