Queensland’s first industrial manslaughter sentence was handed down yesterday by the Brisbane District Court for the death of a worker at an auto recycling yard in 2019.
Industrial manslaughter offence introduced for resources sector

Laws introducing the offence of industrial manslaughter in the resources sector were passed by Queensland Parliament on 20 May 2020.
Sometimes it isn’t about the destination: Journey-claims and the associated risks for employers

Most employers are conscious of their health and safety obligations for when employees are at work, but what about employer obligations to employees travelling to and from work? A recent New South Wales decision highlights the importance of employers taking a holistic approach to fatigue management both within and outside of the workplace.
Victorian Workplace Manslaughter legislation has passed both Houses (Part 4)

The Workplace Safety Legislation Amendment (Workplace Manslaughter and Other Matters) Act 2019 was passed by the Victorian Legislative Counsel on 26 November 2019 without any amendments. It is now awaiting royal assent, and will come into operation on a day to be proclaimed or on 1 July 2020 at the latest.
New South Wales responds to Marie Boland Review recommendations

New South Wales has introduced a WHS Amendment Bill (Bill) in response to the recommendations of the Marie Boland report issued in February 2019 (see our blog article here regarding the Marie Boland review). The changes, if passed, will commence on the day they receive royal assent.
The Bill proposes to:
- increase maximum