The Workplace Fairness Act 2024[1] (WFA) was passed into law by the Singapore Parliament (Parliament) on 8 January 2025, signifying a significant step in legally prohibiting certain discriminatory behaviours in the workplace, and mandatorily requiring employers in Singapore to implement grievance handling procedures to meet compulsory requirements.

This landmark legislation

Flexible work arrangements (FWA) have become increasingly common in recent years, in part due to the COVID-19 pandemic requiring most workers to work from home. Many employees and jobseekers now expect employers to offer flexible work arrangements; it was recently reported that 1 in 2 Singapore workers would quit their job if asked

The starting point under Singapore law is that any contractual term restricting a former employee’s business activities after termination of employment (known as a restraint of trade clause or a restrictive covenant) is – on its face – void and unenforceable for being a restraint on the freedom of trade and contrary to public policy.