Queensland’s new state government has moved urgently to make changes to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld) (WHS Act).  We set out below a summary of the changes which were passed by Parliament late on Thursday 28 November 2024 and commenced on Friday 29 November 2024.

1 Cease Work Notices

Only a few

This article was co-authored by Emma Anvari.

A Victorian parliamentary inquiry report published in August 2024 concerning workplace drug testing (the Report) contains key recommendations relating to medicinal cannabis for both the Victorian Government and WorkSafe Victoria.

The terms of reference for the Victorian Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Committee (Committee) included inquiring into the

By Nicki Milionis, Isobelle Martin and with thanks to Amy Moore

In July, the Queensland Government announced a “nation-leading” regulatory reform requiring persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) to proactively address workplace sexual harassment and sex or gender-based harassment.  The first tranche of these changes will take effect from 1 September 2024, following the

Authors: Katherine Morris, Michael McCrea


A recent decision of the District Court of New South Wales has clarified the content, nature and extent of an officer’s duty to exercise due diligence in relation to safety matters under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) (WHS Act).

Persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU)

This article was co-authored with Anastasia Gravas and Yasmine Sahihi.

On 23 April 2024, the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) voted to ban non-compete clauses, which prevent a worker from seeking or accepting new employment within an industry after the termination of their employment. The ruling, while already subject to legal challenge, stands as

By: Nicki Milionis and Michael McCrae with thanks to Yasmine Sahihi and Amy Moore for their contributions

Victoria’s first industrial manslaughter decision pursuant to section 39G of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic) (OHS Act) was handed down in the Supreme Court recently in R v LH Holding Management Pty Ltd

This article was co-authored with Millie Jones.

As mentioned in our article when the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes Bill 2023 (Bill) was introduced to Parliament in September 2023, Australia is set for further industrial relations reform – albeit in a slimmed down manner for the moment.

The Government decided to split