Le 17 décembre 2021, le projet de loi C-3 proposé par le gouvernement fédéral a reçu la sanction royale. Une des modifications importantes au Code canadien du travail (Code) est la suivante : un employé pourra acquérir au plus 10 jours de congé payé pour raisons médicales par année civile. Cette modification sera
federal employee
Government Announcements for Federally-Regulated Employees
Mandatory vaccination
The federal government has announced that it will propose regulations under Part II of the Canada Labour Code (Code) – Occupational Health and Safety – to make vaccination against COVID-19 mandatory in all federally-regulated workplaces. It looks to quickly finalize these new regulations so that they are in force as of…
U.S. Supreme Court to rule on circuit split regarding timeliness of constructive discharge complaints

By Jamila Mensah (US) on
On November 30th, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of Green v. Donahoe, 760 F.3d 1135, 1137 (10th Cir. 2014) regarding the timeliness of an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEO”) complaint alleging constructive discharge under Title VII. Currently five circuits have held that the filing period begins when…