Two recent employment cases regarding “gender critical” beliefs have highlighted the difficulties in this area and whether such beliefs are capable of protection under the Equality Act 2010.

Religion or belief is one of the nine protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010.  The Act prohibits direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation in

On 1 January 2022, a new Act on gender diversity in boards of Dutch companies has entered into force. The Act provides for quotas to apply to supervisory boards and non-executive directors of Dutch companies listed on Euronext Amsterdam (AEX). In addition, large Dutch companies (as defined below) have to adopt appropriate and ambitious targets

According to Article 13 of the Colombian Political Constitution, each individual is born free and equal before the law. The same protection and treatment from the authorities is guaranteed. Every individual is entitled to the same rights, freedoms and opportunities without any discrimination on grounds of race among others.

Article 10 of the Colombian Labor

This article was written by Douglas de Jager , an associate at Norton Rose Fulbright South Africa 

Section 9 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa states that “[n]o person may unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more grounds, including race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status…” and that “[n]ational

The Colombian legislation guarantees the equality within the employment environment, regardless of the gender. However, due to the role of women in society and at home, the reality shows that discrimination still occurs in the companies.

There are several mechanisms to fight against the discrimination of gender.

For instance, women have the possibility of filing

This article was written by Stephan May, a candidate attorney at Norton Rose Fulbright South Africa

With the rise in popularity of reggae music in the western world in the 1970’s, the wearing of dreadlocks has become an increasingly fashionable hairstyle for both men and women.  This hairstyle, however, is often met with scepticism due