Does your workplace have gender-neutral washrooms? Does your workplace have a dress code that accommodates all forms of gender expression? These are just two of the questions raised by the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s (“OHRC”) Policy on Preventing Discrimination because of Gender Identity and Gender Expression (the “Policy”). In the first post, we
October 2015
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Amendments to the Heavy Vehicle National Laws
Further movement in the Heavy Vehicle National Laws (HVNL) has taken place with the Heavy Vehicle National Law Amendment Bill 2015 being passed by the Queensland Parliament on 16 September 2015.
Notice rights – what rights do employees have to notice of termination of employment in the US?
Employees in the United States are generally considered employed at-will in most jurisdictions, meaning that either the employee or the employer can terminate the relationship at any time, for any reason or no reason at all, without providing notice. The general rule gives way, however, in limited circumstances which trigger certain federal (and potentially state-specific)…
Passive smoking: Employees can claim damages
Legal context
French employment law imposes a duty of care on the employer requiring it to ensure that the health and safety of its employees is not impacted as a result of their work. Such duty is interpreted very broadly by the courts, which only allow employers to escape liability in very limited circumstances such…
Blog Publicity by LexBlog
The LexBlog Network is a growing media hub for legal and professional blogs worldwide.
We feature curated* content published on the LexBlog platform on for additional exposure to industry thought leaders, press and visitors. Top blog posts are spotlighted daily on the homepage, practice area channel pages and tag pages devoted to specific…
The Ontario Human Rights Commission, Gender Identity, Gender Expression and the Workplace – Part 2
Does your workplace have gender-neutral washrooms? Does your workplace have a dress code that accommodates all forms of gender expression? These are just two of the questions raised by the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s (“OHRC”) Policy on Preventing Discrimination because of Gender Identity and Gender Expression (the “Policy”). In last week’s post, we…
Changes to UK employment law – October 2015
With effect from 1 October 2015 certain provisions affecting UK employment law under the Deregulation Act 2015, come into force. The changes are:
- The removal of the power of employment tribunals to make wider recommendations in successful discrimination cases. With effect from 1 October tribunals can only make recommendations relating to the individual complainant. The
The Ontario Human Rights Commission, Gender Identity, Gender Expression and the Workplace – Part 1
Does your workplace have gender-neutral washrooms? Does your workplace have a dress code that accommodates all forms of gender expression? These are just two of the questions raised by the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s (“OHRC”) Policy on Preventing Discrimination because of Gender Identity and Gender Expression (the “Policy”). In this multi-part series, the Policy will…