This is the 17th paper in our Transforming Workplace series. In our earlier article, we explored why employees’ expectations of their leaders have changed and why organisations need to upgrade leaders’ skills and behaviours. In this paper we now examine ow organisations can upskill their leaders to meet the specific leadership challenges arising from ‘work
Global Employment Law – Work from Anywhere: The end of the office? – Transforming Workplace – #16

This is the 16th paper in our Transforming Workplace series. In our previous paper, we discussed how to make ‘work from anywhere’ work better. In this paper we now examine whether the day of the office, as we know it, has ended
Work from Anywhere: The end of the office? – Transforming Workplace – #16…
Global Employment Law- Work From Anywhere: Make it work better – Transforming Workplace -#15

This is the 15th paper in our Transforming Workplace series. In this paper we examine how ‘work from anywhere’ can be made to work better.
Work From Anywhere: Make it work better -Transforming Workplace – #15
This article is part of our Transforming Workplace series. Other articles exploring the opportunities, challenges and risk of…
The French Supreme Court validates the “Macron scale”: end of the Resistance?

By way of background, before the entry into force of the “Macron scale”, in the case of unfair dismissal, it was for the judge in each case to set the amount of compensation for the loss suffered by the employee and the law did not set any maximum amount. This meant that judges were able…
La Cour de cassation valide le barème Macron : fin de la fronde ?

Pour mémoire, avant l’entrée en vigueur du « barème Macron », en cas de licenciement sans cause réelle et sérieuse, il appartenait au juge de fixer l’indemnisation visant à réparer le préjudice du salarié et la loi n’avait fixé aucun maximum. Ainsi le juge fixait le montant des dommages-intérêts avec une grande latitude et sans…
Global Employment Law – The Decline (and Fall?) of the Five-Day Workweek – Transforming Workplace -#14

In our previous article in the Transforming Workplace series we outlined the benefits of short-term “work from anywhere”. In this article, we focus on the advantages of introducing flexible hours and days.
The Decline (and Fall?) of the Five-Day Workweek
This article is part of our Transforming Workplace series. Other articles exploring the opportunities,…
Global Employment Law: Work From Anywhere: Short Term – Transforming Workplace -#13

In our previous articles in the Transforming Workplace series we examined the challenges of “work from anywhere”. In this article, we consider the best options for introducing “work from anywhere” on a short-term basis in your organisation.
Work from Anywhere: Short-Term
This article is part of our Transforming Workplace series. Other articles exploring the opportunities,…
Global Employment Law: Work From Anywhere: Benefits & Challenges – Transforming Workplace -#12

In our previous article in the Transforming Workplace series we examined the hybrid model of work. In this article we discuss the benefits and challenges of “work from anywhere”, including on a hybrid work mode.
Work From Anywhere: Benefits & Challenges
This article is part of our Transforming Workplace series. Other articles exploring the opportunities,…
Global Employment Law: Work from anywhere: Hybrid model – Transforming Workplace -#11

Our previous articles in the Transforming Workplace series discussed some of the important issues relating to the worldwide trend of working from anywhere. In this article we examine the hybrid workplace, where employees combine some level of “work from anywhere” with some time attending their worksite.
Work from anywhere: Hybrid model
This article is part…
Global Employment Law: Work from anywhere: Does it suit everyone?- Transforming Workplace – #10

We considered the growth in the number of employees ‘working from anywhere’ in our previous articles in the Transforming Workplace series. In this article we focus on suitability – does “work from anywhere” suit all jobs, all countries, and all employees?
Work from anywhere: Does it suit everyone?
This article is part of our Transforming…