October 2021

The Ontario government has proposed legislative amendments to require companies to establish a ‘right to disconnect’ policy for their employees and to ban non-competition provisions in employment agreements. If enacted, this legislation would be a first in Canada.

The proposed amendments to the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000 include the following:

  • ‘Right to disconnect’:

Les employeurs canadiens devraient savoir qu’Emploi et Développement Social Canada (“ESDC“) a publié de nouvelles directives sur le codage des Relevés d’Emploi (“RE“) pour les employés dont l’emploi prend fin après avoir refusé de se conformer à une politique de vaccination obligatoire en milieu de travail.

Le régime d’assurance-emploi (“AE

Canadian employers should be aware that Employment and Social Development Canada (“ESDC”) issued new guidance on coding of Records of Employment (“ROE”) for employees whose employment ends after failing to comply with a mandatory vaccination policy in the workplace.

Canada’s Employment Insurance (“EI”) regime provides temporary income support to

We would like to remind federally-regulated employers that they are generally required to post a notice informing their employees of their obligations under the Pay Equity Act by November 1, 2021. The government has published a template notice and guidance here. Key things to keep in mind include:

  • Employers can draft their own notice