January 2014

Vous êtes un employeur aux prises avec une pénurie de main-d’œuvre au sein de votre entreprise.  Vous rencontrez un ressortissant français, âgé entre 18 et 35 ans, qui s’avère la personne toute désignée pour répondre à votre besoin de main-d’œuvre?

Sachez que le 1er février, la première tranche, soit 2250 des 6750 places

Despite all attempts of the previous German government to increase the quota of women in senior positions, e.g. directorships or members of supervisory boards, the percentage remains consistently low. For this reason, the new government has undertaken in the coalition agreement to introduce a gender quota of at least 30 percent for supervisory boards of

The requirements of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) in Canada have once again changed. Employers must be aware of the new requirements of the TFWP, the importance of compliance, and the more serious consequences of failing to do so.

These revisions are the latest reforms arising from the aftermath of public scandals involving alleged

This article was written by Michelle Naidoo, director at Norton Rose Fulbright South Africa

The Employment Equity Amendment Act was published on 16 January 2014.  The amendments will come into effect on a date still to be proclaimed.

The significant amendments to the Employment Equity Act are:

  1. The beneficiaries of affirmative action (designated groups) are

This article was written by Ali Kamal, paralegal at Norton Rose Fulbright (Middle East) LLP  

The labour regulations which govern the relationship between employer and employee in the UAE free zones vary between each free zone. They must, however, offer the minimum statutory employment rights and obligations that apply to employees working onshore in the

The Collective Redundancies and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 come into force in the UK on 31 January 2014.  These 2014 Regulations amend TUPE (which implements the Acquired Rights Directive in the UK) and the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (TULRCA) (relating to collective redundancy consultation).

The 2014

This article was written by Partner Patrick Bourke and Trainee Solicitor Mollie Tregillis.

Clients regularly ask questions regarding the position of post-termination restrictive covenants under UAE Law.


Post-termination restrictive covenants are permitted under UAE law and are generally binding subject to certain qualifications. The effect of Article 127 of Federal Law No 8

L’employeur peut-il installer des caméras-vidéos sur les lieux du travail pour des raisons opérationnelles?  Telle est la question  se posant dans l’affaire Syndicat des travailleurs de Continental Asphalte (C.S.N.). et 9163-7272 Québec inc. (division de Construction DJL inc.), AZ-51013413, rendue le 26 septembre 2013 par l’arbitre Nicolas Cliche.

L’arbitre est saisi d’un grief du syndicat