The German Federal Labor Court (BAG) has surprisingly ruled (BAG, 13.09.2022 – 1 ABR 22/21) that employers are legally required to record not only overtime and Sunday work, but all of their employees’ working hours.
contracts of employment
Verpflichtung zur Arbeitszeiterfassung
Das Bundesarbeitsgericht (BAG) hat überraschend entschieden (13.09.2022 – 1 ABR 22/21), dass Arbeitgeber gesetzlich verpflichtet sind, nicht nur Überstunden und Sonntagsarbeit, sondern die gesamte Arbeitszeit ihrer Arbeitnehmer aufzuzeichnen.
Preparing to return to the workplace – what should employers be doing?
As the UK Government has published the Plan to Rebuild – the UK Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy to transition England from lockdown, one of the key areas is how to get people back to the workplace safely. The Government has also published guidance covering eight workplace settings which are allowed to be open, intended to…
Upcoming Employment Law Changes in 2020
As we start the new year with a new Government in the UK, we consider the important employment law changes that will, or may, come into effect in 2020.
New right to a written statement of terms
Currently, employees who have been continuously employed for more than one month must be provided with a written…
Crowd workers do not qualify as employees
As the end of the year approaches, the German courts have published a decision providing employers with further clarity on the issue of crowd working.
What is crowd working?
Crowd working is a highly flexible form of working. According to the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), around 4.8 percent of the German…
In its first decision on restrictive covenants in more than a century, the UK Supreme Court upholds a 6-month non-compete covenant adopting the more liberal approach to the rules of severance
In the case of Tillman v Egon Zehnder Ltd [2019] UKSC 32, the Supreme Court has upheld a 6-month non-compete covenant, adopting the more liberal approach to the rules of severance.
The Court ruled that on its proper construction, the covenant was unreasonably wide in that it restrained the employee from holding a minority shareholding…
What to expect in 2019
Following a Government-commissioned review of employment working practices in the UK which was published in 2017, a number of developments in employment law reform are expected over the coming months.
The Government published its latest proposals in December, covering a number of areas for change, some intended to improve the enforcement of employment rights, some…