Skilled Immigration Act

German employment law will introduce numerous innovations and planned changes in 2023 that HR managers should be aware of.

New legislation enters into force

A number of new regulations have been in force since 1 January 2023. For example, employees with statutory health insurance will no longer have to submit a certificate of incapacity for

Das deutsche Arbeitsrecht bringt im Jahr 2023 zahlreiche Neuerungen und geplante Änderungen, die Personalverantwortliche kennen sollten. (English version available here.)


Seit dem 1. Januar 2023 sind einige Neuregelungen in Kraft. Beispielsweise müssen gesetzlich versicherte Arbeitnehmer ihrem Arbeitgeber künftig keine Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung mehr vorlegen. Der sogenannte „gelbe Schein“ in Papierform wird insofern abgeschafft. Arbeitgeber sind nun

On 1 March 2020, the Skilled Worker Immigration Act  will come into force. The law completely opens up the German labour market to skilled workers from countries outside the European Union. In addition to the measures set out in our blog the German legislator has included further measures including an accelerated administrative procedure and more

The German Bundesrat recently approved a long-awaited and controversially debated immigration legislation, implementing several European directives dating back more than ten years. The “Skilled Immigration Act (“Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz”) intends to attract qualified professionals from around the world. Further, the Act aims to improve labour market efficiency, prevent skill shortages and offset regional imbalances in