September 2014

In the current “war for talents” that German employers increasingly have to fight, a good work-life balance is an important requirement for most job applicants. But it is an equally valuable selling point for employers in order to retain their current employees! Therefore, one sees companies already offering e.g. much more flexible working models providing

In a recent arbitration decision involving a utility company, an Ontario arbitrator reiterated the importance of trust in the employment relationship and upheld the dismissal of a seven-and-a-half-year employee with no disciplinary history for covering up a safety violation.


On October 9, 2012 the grievor, a supervisor, was working with his team to remove

The legal background

Under French employment law, pregnant employees enjoy particularly strong protection from dismissal — dismissal of pregnant employees is prohibited from the moment the employee is medically certified as being pregnant, except in the two following circumstances: gross misconduct on the part of the employee or impossibility to maintain the employment contract for

The fallout has continued from the industrial dispute between building company Grocon and the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU), which culminated in a major blockade in Melbourne’s central business district in August 2012, with the Full Federal Court partially allowing an appeal by the CFMEU against a decision that would have

This article was written by Stephan May, an associate at Norton Rose Fulbright South Africa

Instead of completely banning temporary employment services (more commonly known as labour brokers) as was strongly advocated by labour unions and others in 2010, the amendments to the Labour Relations Act rather seeks to provide temporary employees with greater protection

This article was written by Lara Kerbelker, an associate at Norton Rose Fulbright South Africa

The amendments to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) are in operation from Monday, 1 September 2014.

Changes to the BCEA include:

  • Employers are prohibited from requiring or accepting any payment from an employee or job applicant for their