July 2015

Eine altersdiskriminierende Kündigung kann unwirksam sein und Entschädigungsansprüche auslösen. Dies gilt auch im Kleinbetrieb, obwohl dort eine Kündigung grdsl. ohne Grund möglich ist.

In der Entscheidung ging es um eine 1950 geborene Klägerin, die seit gut 20 Jahren bei einer Arztpraxis als Arzthelferin beschäftigt war. In der Praxis waren noch vier (jüngere) Arbeitnehmerinnen angestellt.

The legal context

Remuneration is a fairly sensitive matter in France. Although the determination of the level of remuneration of employees is not strictly regulated (only minimum levels of remuneration are provided by the law and by the relevant collective bargaining agreement), the freedom of employers is limited by the “equal job, equal pay” principle

On July 15, 2015, the United States Department of Labor (DOL) issued a memorandum on “The Application of the Fair Labor Standards Act’s ‘Suffer or Permit’ Standard in the Identification of Employees Who are Misclassified as Independent Contractors.” After clarifying the distinction between an employee and an independent contractor and emphasizing that the

The matter of discrimination based on an employee’s sexual orientation is becoming more and more topical as the claims of the homosexual community give rise to a greater public awareness of the protection of each individual’s sexual orientation.

In this respect, employees’ protection against such type of discrimination is principally ensured through the general principle

With many organisations having multinational operations, mobility is a matter of increasing significance and the first question to consider is what is the best arrangement for moving people overseas.

Two options often faced by companies is to either terminate the employee’s employment with the home entity and commence employment with the overseas entity of the organisation, or for the employee to be seconded from one entity to another.

This article was written by Andre Vos, a Director at Norton Rose Fulbright South Africa and Riccardo Petersen, a Senior Associate at Norton Rose Fulbright South Africa

The High Court has declared aspects of a long-established but often abused debt collection process unlawful, with potentially wide ranging consequences, as it could render hundreds of thousands

The Ontario Court of Appeal has recently upheld a decision of the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal which discussed the interaction of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the “Charter”) and the Ontario Human Rights Code (the “Code”) with respect to discrimination in the employment context.

In the case of Taylor-Baptiste v. Ontario Public Service