Alors que bon nombre d’employés regagnent progressivement leurs lieux de travail physiques ou leurs chantiers, il est encourageant de constater que les gouvernements ont amorcé la levée des restrictions imposées aux employeurs. En effet, près d’un million de personnes au Canada ont trouvé un emploi entre mai et juin. Cela dit, partout au pays, les

As many employees gradually return to the physical workplace or jobsite, governments are encouragingly lifting restrictions on employers. Indeed, nearly one million people in Canada found jobs between May and June. Nonetheless, employers across the country are continually reassessing how to best position themselves for what remains an uncertain future.

In some cases, the need

In this blog post, we provide answers to the following four questions posed by Ontario employers:

  1. Can my employees walk off the job for fear of contracting COVID-19?
  2. Do I still need to meet my filing deadlines?
  3. One of my employees reported having COVID-19 after reporting to work for several days—what do I do?
  4. Is

Dans cet article de blogue, nous répondons aux quatre questions suivantes que se posent les employeurs ontariens :

  1. Mes employés peuvent-ils quitter leur travail par crainte de contracter la COVID-19?
  2. Dois-je toujours respecter mes échéances de dépôt?
  3. L’un de mes employés a déclaré être atteint de la COVID-19 après s’être présenté au travail pendant plusieurs

The Financial Post interviews Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP’s patent and trademark lawyer Maya Medeiros on Artificial Intelligence’s discriminatory biases.

Despite all of the advances in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), experts reveal that these technologies are not immune from some of the less-than-admirable tendencies which afflict humans.

As recently reported by the Financial

Since Ontario Family Day is coming on February 19, please take another look at our posts explaining how Bill 148 amended the public holiday provisions in the Ontario Employment Standards Act. As you may recall, there is a new formula for calculating public holiday pay, plus additional employer obligations when an employee works on

Under the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”) Ontario has nine public holidays: New Year’s Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day (December 26).   Nothing in Bill 148 has changed that.

Likewise, an employee who would otherwise be eligible to take the public holiday