En avril dernier, Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (« IRCC ») faisait l’annonce de plusieurs mesures pour aider les employeurs à remédier à la problématique croissante de pénurie de main d’œuvre.

Afin d’aider les employeurs à retenir les travailleurs temporaires au Canada, IRCC a mis en place les modifications suivantes au Programme des travailleurs étrangers

The UK Home Office announced over the weekend that it will be introducing a visa route (amongst implementing other measures) to help ease the current shortage of HGV drivers. With full details yet to be confirmed, the announcement indicates that up to 5,000 HGV drivers (together with up to 5,500 poultry workers) will be able

On 22 July, the UK Government published a UK Innovation Strategy which sets out the government’s vision to make the UK a global hub for innovation by 2035.  As part of this strategy, the UK intends to make the UK the most exciting place for innovation and talent.  This means introducing new visa routes and

In order to obtain a statutory defence against illegal working, employers should check the right to work of all employees’ original documents in person on or before their employment commences.  In the absence of a correct check and in the event that an illegal working issue arises, this will assist the employer in avoiding civil

In addition to the measures referred to in the Budget which are aimed at addressing the immediate challenges of COVID-19 and putting the UK’s public finances on a sustainable footing in the medium term, the Government stated in the Budget that it recognised the importance of creating the conditions for an investment-led recovery driven by

On 31 December the UK parliament implemented the European Union (Future Relationship) Act 2020. This makes provision to implement into UK law the three main future relationship agreements with the EU including the EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA). What does the TCA mean for employment and immigration law?


A significant portion of UK

The effects of the global pandemic are far reaching; few have been unaffected by measures and restrictions introduced in response to the spread of COVID-19. As borders have closed and visa processing services have been suspended, those living and working outside their home jurisdictions have, and continue to face, uncertain times.

Some migrants made the

Suite à une tentative échouée de réforme du Programme de l’expérience québécoise (PEQ) en novembre 2019, le Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration (MIFI) a dû retirer une grande partie de son nouveau règlement et tenir des consultations publiques en vue de présenter un nouveau projet de réforme.