Étiez-vous informés des modifications récentes à la Loi sur l’assurance parentale et à La loi sur les normes du travail (LNT) concernant les congés de maternité, de paternité et parental? Les employeurs devront revoir leur politique d’entreprise et/ou convention collective pour tenir compte de  ces changements.

Ces lois ont été récemment modifiées par le projet

The 2015 Budget proposed changes to Paid Parental Leave Act that would stop parents claiming paid parental leave (PPL) from both their employer and from the Federal Government.  Described in an interview on 10 May 2015 by The Honourable Joe Hockey MP as designed to avoid “double dipping”, the changes are intended to represent $1 billion in Budget savings and will affect both private and public sector employees.

On 7 November 2014 the German Bundestag passed the reform of the German Law On Parental Allowance And Parental Leave (Bundeselterngeld- und Elternzeitgesetz – BEEG). The purpose of this reform is to improve the compatibility of work and family life for parents on a partnership basis. In essence, the main revisions – that will most