Dans une décision rendue en mars 2023, dans le cadre d’un pourvoi en contrôle judiciaire[1], la Cour supérieure a condamné le syndicat à dédommager l’employeur pour l’entièreté des sommes que celui-ci a dû verser à ses salariés visés par une clause de la convention collective prévoyant une réduction du traitement salarial des retraités

The National Labor Relations Board is proposing to rescind its current rule that allows:

  • Representation elections to proceed even when there are pending unfair labor practice charges alleging employee free choice has been compromised;
  • Challenges to the representative status of a voluntarily recognized before there has been a reasonable period for collective bargaining; and,
  • Election

Hands passing around business document at table

A recent National Labor Relations Board decision, General Aire Systems, Inc. (371 NLRB No. 120), reminds employers of some pitfalls they may face when handling a union’s request for information, and steps that may be taken to minimize associated legal risks.

By way of background, when a union has a collective bargaining relationship with an

Earlier this year, the Regional Director of Region 13 of the NLRB found that scholarship football players at Northwestern University are “employees” under Section 2(3) of the National Labor Relations Act. Northwestern University v. College Athletes Players Association, Case 13-RC-121359 (N.L.R.B. Mar. 26, 2014).

The Regional Director’s decision turned largely on the amount of

Merci à Jeanne Mageau-Taylor, étudiante chez Norton Rose Fulbright à Montréal, pour sa collaboration à la préparation de cet article.

Au mois d’avril dernier, la Commission des relations du travail (« CRT ») a statué sur la validité des formules d’adhésion syndicale remplies électroniquement et envoyées par courriel. Dans sa décision, le commissaire