If the employer changes the existing remuneration principles in the company in breach of the works council’s right of co-determination pursuant to Section 87 (1) No. 10 BetrVG, the affected employees can demand remuneration based on the remuneration principles last introduced pursuant to the co-determination process.

Facts of the case

The parties are in dispute

Ändert der Arbeitgeber die im Betrieb bestehenden Entlohnungsgrundsätze unter Verstoß gegen das Mitbestimmungsrecht des Betriebsrats nach § 87 Abs. 1 Nr. 10 BetrVG, können die betroffenen Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer eine Vergütung auf Grundlage der zuletzt mitbestimmungsgemäß eingeführten Entlohnungsgrundsätze fordern.


Die Parteien streiten über Ansprüche auf Urlaubsgeld für das Jahr 2020. Die drei klagenden Arbeitnehmer

German employment law will introduce new legislation bringing numerous changes in 2024 that HR managers should be aware of.

New legislation enters into force

The factors for calculating the levels in the social insurance system were adjusted on 1 January 2024. You can find the current rates and limits here. The statutory minimum wage

Das deutsche Arbeitsrecht bringt im Jahr 2024 zahlreiche Neuerungen und geplante Änderungen, die Personalverantwortliche kennen sollten.


Zum 1. Januar 2024 wurden die Rechengrößen in der Sozialversicherung turnusgemäß an die Einkommensentwicklung angepasst. Die aktuellen Rechengrößen finden sie hier. Der gesetzliche Mindestlohn wurde auf € 12,41 angehoben. Die Jahresverdienstgrenze für Minijobber liegt 2024 bei € 

The “Act to Promote Works Council Elections and Works Council Activities in a Digital Working World” (Betriebsrätemodernisierungsgesetz – Works Council Modernization Act) came into force on June 18, 2021. The Act is intended to facilitate the activities of works councils and to strengthen the co-determination rights of works councils with regard to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and the plans for more mobile working in companies.

Promoting works council elections

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French President Emmanuel Macron has signed five ordinances making important changes to several aspects of the French employment code. The ordinances, which were immediately published in the French Official Journal on September 23rd, 2017, are aimed in particular at providing employers more flexibility and predictability in labour-management relations. They were supplemented by a number of

Under German law, an employer can only suspend an employee in certain cases. One of the core obligations of the employment relationship is an obligation on the employer to provide the employee with relevant work to be performed. If it fails to do so without justification, it must nevertheless continue to pay the employee. Notwithstanding