July 2013

One thing is very clear under Venezuela legislation, it is almost impossible to dismiss a worker.

A.      Job Stability

Theoretically, the Labour Law allows employers to terminate workers with or without cause.

  1. Employers are able to terminate workers with cause based on the grounds listed in Article 79 of the Labour Law. Employers have a

On the termination of employment in the UK, leaving aside issues of discrimination, human rights, and claims for a redundancy payment, an employee has two key types of potential claim against his employer.

Wrongful dismissal

The first is a claim of wrongful dismissal, which is a claim based in contract.

In essence, a claim of

This post was contributed by Annegret Müller-Mundt, Associate at Norton Rose Fulbright LLP (Munich)

Basic principle

In Germany, in principle, either party may terminate an existing employment relationship without reason by complying with the contractual notice period. However, this general rule applies only in the rarest of circumstances because the Act on Protection against

We are delighted to announce that in the next few days, our bloggers from many regions will discuss how wrongful dismissal is dealt with in their respective jurisdiction! Our bloggers will address the remedies available for employees wrongfully dismissed as well as the main criteria courts and tribunals use to adjudicate these complaints.

We hope

A recent decision of the Employment Appeal Tribunal in the UK has considered the meaning of the words “at one establishment” for the purposes of triggering collective consultation obligations.

Under the UK collective redundancy rules, the obligation to inform and consult only arises when an employer is proposing to dismiss as redundant “20 or more

In einer aktuellen Entscheidung des Bundesarbeitsgerichtes hat dieses zur Bestimmtheit einer Kündigungserklärung Stellung genommen.


Der Sachverhalt:

Die Klägerin war seit Ende der 80er Jahre als Industriekauffrau bei dem Arbeitgeber beschäftigt. Mitte 2010 wurde über das Vermögen des Arbeitgebers das Insolvenzverfahren eröffnet und ein Insolvenzverwalter bestellt. Nachdem die Betriebsstilllegung beschlossen und der Betriebsrat ordnungemäß angehört wurde,