July 2013

Legal background 

In Germany, there are two cases where employment relationships can be limited in time, i.e. have a fixed term. In the first case, an employment relationship can be limited in time for a specific purpose, if certain statutory grounds exist (such as temporary demand or temporary filling-in for an employee on leave). Secondly,

A labour dispatching arrangement in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is essentially a method for indirectly engaging staff via an employment agency (commonly termed a dispatching agent). It is regulated by the PRC Employment Contract Law (the ECL).   

A typical dispatching arrangement involves three parties (i.e. the employee, the dispatching agent

Restrictive covenants imposed on employees in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) are normally in the form of non-compete and non-solicitation obligations. PRC law sets out some general principles on non-compete obligations but is silent on non-solicitation obligations which are therefore generally subject to the mutual agreement of the parties concerned.

As a general principle

Merci à Jeanne Mageau-Taylor, étudiante chez Norton Rose Fulbright à Montréal, pour sa collaboration à la préparation de cet article.

Au mois d’avril dernier, la Commission des relations du travail (« CRT ») a statué sur la validité des formules d’adhésion syndicale remplies électroniquement et envoyées par courriel. Dans sa décision, le commissaire

This article was written by Ali Kamal, Paralegal at Norton Rose Fulbright (Middle East) LLP

Except for UAE nationals (and, in general, GCC nationals) all UAE residents need permission from the UAE Ministry of Labour (MOL) to work, and, from the UAE Immigration Department to live in the UAE. Each Emirate in the

Under French law, in order to be valid, a dismissal must be based on a real and serious cause which must be exact, precise, objective and of a sufficiently serious nature to justify the dismissal. This requirement applies to any type of dismissal regardless of the age / position / length of service of the