L’approche de la période estivale rime avec l’arrivée des vacances annuelles, mais aussi l’enchaînement de deux jours fériés en l’espace de 8 jours. La Fête nationale (le 24 juin – jour de la St-Jean Baptiste) et la Fête du Canada (le 1er juillet) tombent cette année toutes les deux un jeudi.

Afin de dissiper

As 2020 quickly approaches, there are a number of upcoming statutory holidays that would trigger obligations of employers to their employees. Below, we have summarized some the most important obligations of provincially regulated employers in Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec, as well as federally regulated employers, to their employees with respect to the upcoming

Venezuelan labor rights may not be waived by the parties, that is, they are rules of public policy and the Labor Law’s provisions must be applied even over the will of the parties. In addition, the principles of favor, non-waivability, intangibility and progressiveness of labor rights are a warranty to prevent a retreat in achieved

Employees’ rights to holiday are governed by the Federal Holiday with Pay Act (Bundesurlaubsgesetz) in Germany. Pursuant to this Act, employees who work six days per week are entitled to an annual minimum paid vacation of 24 working days. Employees with a five-day working week are entitled to a pro-rata vacation of 20 working days.

Under French law, all employees are granted a right to paid annual leave, which consists of a statutory minimum number of days subject to any more favourable provisions applicable under any collective bargaining agreement to which the employer (or the sector of business in which the employee is active) is party, the employer’s internal practices

This post was co-written by Lindsey Hooper,  Associate, Norton Rose Fulbright LLP (London)

The European Court of Justice (the ECJ) has handed down a controversial and potentially costly judgment for employers, holding that commission payments should be taken into account for the purposes of calculating statutory holiday pay under Article 7 of the Working

Under Venezuelan labour legislation, holidays and rest days are paid as follows:

1.         Holidays

The following days and dates are holidays for the purposes of the Labor Law (Article 184):

  • Sundays,
  • January 1,
  • Monday and Tuesday of Carnival,
  • Maundy Thursday and Good Friday,
  • May 1st,
  • December 24th, 25th, 30

Cet article a été rédigé par Me Maude Grenier, avocate chez Norton Rose Fulbright (Montréal)

Chaque année, les employeurs et les employés se questionnent : le congé de la Fête nationale est-il obligatoire? Peut-il être accordé à un autre moment? Dans quelle situation l’employeur peut-il exiger qu’un employé travaille le 24 juin? Etc.
