Earlier this year, we learned that the federal government is going forward with its promise to re-vamp the federal pay equity system. As of yet, the federal government has not introduced any legislation. However, in the 2018 Budget Plan, the federal government has promised a proactive federal pay equity system in line with Ontario and Quebec’s: proactive pay equity. According to the 2018 Budget Plan, the new federal pay equity legislation would:
- Apply to federal employers with 10 or more employees, with pay equity requirements built as much as possible into existing federal compliance regimes;
- Establish a streamlined pay equity process for employers with fewer than 100 employees;
- Set out specific timelines for implementation, and compulsory maintenance reviews;
- Include job types such as seasonal, temporary, part-time and full-time positions;
- Provide independent oversight;
- Ensure that both wages and other benefits are evaluated in a gender neutral way;
- Apply to the Federal Contractors Program on contracts equal to or greater than $1 million, and ensure a robust application of federal employment equity law; and
- Repeal previous legislation such as the Public Sector Equitable Compensation Act which is inconsistent with the goal of pay equity.
While the information provided by the federal government is limited, it is probable that the federal government will implement pay equity legislation that would resemble a hybrid between Ontario and Quebec’s pay equity regimes. Most notably, the promise of an “independent oversight” will likely see the creation of a new regulatory body like the Pay Equity Commission in Ontario or the Commission des normes, de l’équité de la santé et de la sécurité du travail in Quebec, which have expansive powers to investigate and enforce their respective acts.