The starting point under Singapore law is that any contractual term restricting a former employee’s business activities after termination of employment (known as a restraint of trade clause or a restrictive covenant) is – on its face – void and unenforceable for being a restraint on the freedom of trade and contrary to public policy.
Employment & Labour
First Victorian industrial manslaughter decision
By: Nicki Milionis and Michael McCrae with thanks to Yasmine Sahihi and Amy Moore for their contributions
Victoria’s first industrial manslaughter decision pursuant to section 39G of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic) (OHS Act) was handed down in the Supreme Court recently in R v LH Holding Management Pty Ltd…
Employment: What is coming into force in April 2024?
As we highlighted in our previous post (What to expect in employment law in 2024), 2023 saw the introduction of several significant employment legislative changes. Just to remind you of the changes due to come into effect in April.
Holiday Leave and Pay:
Provisions for irregular hours and part-year workers apply to leave…
Germany: Collective redundancy notifications
German Federal Labour Court: The planned change of direction of the Sixth Senate
In its decision of December 14, 2023 in case 6 AZR 157/22 (B), the Sixth Senate of the German Federal Labour Court, which is responsible for insolvency matters, announced that it would depart from existing case law pursuant to which a dismissal…
Aktuelles zur Massenentlassungsanzeige
BAG: Der geplante Kurswechsel des Sechstens Senats
Der für Insolvenzsachen zuständige Sechste Senat des Bundesarbeitsgerichts hat mit Beschluss vom 14. Dezember 2023 in dem Verfahren 6 AZR 157/22 (B) angekündigt, seine Rechtsprechung aufzugeben, wonach eine im Rahmen einer Massenentlassung nach § 17 Abs. 1 KSchG ausgesprochene Kündigung unwirksam ist, wenn im Zeitpunkt ihrer Erklärung eine…
Paid leave entitlements during sickness absence: a significant change in France
In three decisions handed down on 13 September 2023, the French Supreme Court took an unprecedented position reversing the previous case law concerning accrual of paid leave for employees absent from work due to sickness.
In these decisions, the French Supreme Court ruled that all employees on sick leave, regardless of whether the illness is…
Closing the wage theft, redundancy and domestic violence loopholes
This article was co-authored with Millie Jones and Ying Yi Lim.
As discussed in our article late last year, the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes Act 2023 (the Act)) was passed by Parliament on 7 December 2023. The Act introduced significant changes to “close the labour hire loophole” and prevent bargained rates in…
Germany: What to expect in 2024
German employment law will introduce new legislation bringing numerous changes in 2024 that HR managers should be aware of.
New legislation enters into force
The factors for calculating the levels in the social insurance system were adjusted on 1 January 2024. You can find the current rates and limits here. The statutory minimum wage…
Arbeitsrecht 2024: Was ändert sich?
Das deutsche Arbeitsrecht bringt im Jahr 2024 zahlreiche Neuerungen und geplante Änderungen, die Personalverantwortliche kennen sollten.
Zum 1. Januar 2024 wurden die Rechengrößen in der Sozialversicherung turnusgemäß an die Einkommensentwicklung angepasst. Die aktuellen Rechengrößen finden sie hier. Der gesetzliche Mindestlohn wurde auf € 12,41 angehoben. Die Jahresverdienstgrenze für Minijobber liegt 2024 bei € …
La Cour d’appel précise les droits des employeurs en période de gel des conditions de travail
La Cour d’appel a récemment eu à clarifier les limites aux droits des employeurs lorsque vient le temps de négocier une convention collective. Dans un jugement rendu vers la fin de l’année 2023, la Cour est venue préciser le cadre juridique s’appliquant à la période communément appelée le « gel des conditions de travail »[1]…