An analysis of the landmark victory for female retail consultants against British retailer Next plc


More than 3,500 current and former female retail consultants have won a six-year legal battle for equal pay against British retailer Next plc (Next). In a significant judgment, Leeds Employment Tribunal ruled that Next had failed to

As reported in an earlier post, the UK Government introduced mandatory gender pay gap reporting in 2017.

An independent review conducted in 2017, Race in the workplace, made a number of recommendations for removing the barriers to workplace progression faced by ethnic minorities including the introduction of mandatory reporting of ethnicity pay data. At

Die Umsetzung guter Vorsätze: Erstmaliger Entgeltbericht nach dem Entgelttransparenzgesetz

Ganz oben auf der To-Do-Liste für 2018 steht – neben den Vorsätzen für das neue Jahr – für viele Unternehmen die erstmalige Aufstellung des Berichts zur Gleichstellung und Entgeltgleichheit nach dem Entgelttransparenzgesetz. Der Bericht ist im Jahr 2018 erstmals zu erstellen – Berichtszeitraum ist dabei das

This post was also contributed by Ebru Tirel, Trainee, Norton Rose Fulbright LLP (Munich).

In Germany, “Equal Pay Day” is widely observed. It marks the day from which women are deemed to start to earn wages in that calendar year, where men have started to earn wages since January 1st. This year, Equal Pay Day

Discrimination based on an employee’s gender is a sensitive topic in France as, in spite of the numerous laws voted with the intention of tackling this issue, the national institute of statistics and information about economy recently disclosed that the global gap in average remuneration between men and women was still approximately 19% in 2013,

Although discrimination on grounds of gender – or sex – regarding pay and other contractual terms of employment was first made unlawful in Great Britain in 1970 under the Equal Pay Act, sex discrimination in respect of all aspects of the employment relationship was first made unlawful in 1975. The current law on sex discrimination

The legal context

Remuneration is a fairly sensitive matter in France. Although the determination of the level of remuneration of employees is not strictly regulated (only minimum levels of remuneration are provided by the law and by the relevant collective bargaining agreement), the freedom of employers is limited by the “equal job, equal pay” principle

This article was written by Yusuf Peer, an Associate at Norton Rose Fulbright South Africa

South Africa has a long history of discrimination, primarily based on race, due to its former apartheid policies. In addition to race however, there is also a history of discrimination and intolerance based on other grounds such as gender and

The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 (the SBEEA) received Royal Assent in the UK on 26 March 2015, although most of the employment provisions contained in Part 11 require a commencement order to bring them into force. It is therefore not certain when many of the provisions listed below will have effect.