July 2020

The UK Government has published legislation, which will ensure that all furloughed employees receive statutory redundancy pay based on their normal wages, rather than a reduced furlough rate.

The Employment Rights Act 1996 (Coronavirus, Calculation of a Week’s Pay) Regulations 2020 (the Regulations) ensure that various statutory entitlements based on a week’s pay and connected

Alors que bon nombre d’employés regagnent progressivement leurs lieux de travail physiques ou leurs chantiers, il est encourageant de constater que les gouvernements ont amorcé la levée des restrictions imposées aux employeurs. En effet, près d’un million de personnes au Canada ont trouvé un emploi entre mai et juin. Cela dit, partout au pays, les

As many employees gradually return to the physical workplace or jobsite, governments are encouragingly lifting restrictions on employers. Indeed, nearly one million people in Canada found jobs between May and June. Nonetheless, employers across the country are continually reassessing how to best position themselves for what remains an uncertain future.

In some cases, the need

As part of the most recent New York State budget, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law a new mandatory paid sick leave program affecting all New York employers. Under the law, all New York employers will need to provide their employees with paid or unpaid sick leave (whether or not related to the COVID-19 pandemic)

Dans une décision rendue le 11 juin 2020[1], la Cour supérieure du Québec  a accueilli en partie une action collective à l’encontre de la Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec – Construction (FTQ‑C). Cette action collective vise, à titre de membres du groupe, les travailleurs et les employeurs comptant moins

The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (Tribunal) has published a number of proposed changes (Proposed Changes) to the current Rules of Procedure (Rules). According to the Tribunal, the Proposed Changes will be published shortly in the Canada Gazette, Part I.  However, some delays in publishing the Proposed Changes may occur due to COVID-19-related reasons.

What is

Le Tribunal canadien des droits de la personne (« Tribunal ») a publié les changements qu’il se propose d’apporter (« changements proposés ») à ses Règles de pratique actuelles (« règles »). Selon le Tribunal, les changements proposés seront bientôt publiés dans la Partie I de la Gazette du Canada. Toutefois, en raison de

The EAT has held that an employment tribunal was entitled to conclude that a professional cyclist was not an employee or a worker of the British Cycling Federation. In Varnish v British Cycling Federation (t/a British Cycling) the claimant had commenced proceedings before an employment tribunal claiming, amongst others, unfair dismissal and discrimination.  The preliminary

The Federal Court of Australia (FCA) recently considered this issue in Broadlex Services Pty Ltd v United Workers’ Union [2020] FCA 867,[1] holding that an employee who was required to transfer her full-time employment to part-time was entitled to redundancy pay, because the employer no longer required the full-time job to