Le 12 janvier dernier, l’arbitre Dominic Garneau a rendu la décision Syndicat des métallos, section locale 9996 et Minerai de fer Québec inc. (grief syndical)[1], dans laquelle il précise les droits et obligations d’un employeur à l’égard des frais de déplacement déboursés par ses salariés lorsque ces derniers ne peuvent se prévaloir du service

On 24 March 2022 the Italian legislature passed Decree Law no. 24/2022 (the New Covid Decree), which took effect on 25 March 2022. Set out below is a summary of the main provisions of the New Covid Decree, including its impact on workplace-related regulations.
Green Pass requirement
The New Covid Decree provides that from 01

L’accessibilité à la dose de rappel s’accroît – non seulement au Canada, mais à l’échelle mondiale également. Au Royaume-Uni, des doses de rappel (ou troisièmes doses) sont offertes depuis peu à la population générale de 50 ans et plus. En France et aux États-Unis, l’âge minimal généralement requis est plutôt fixé à 65 

Vaccination efforts across the country have ramped up significantly. A number of provinces have recently amended existing legislation to allow employees paid time off to receive their COVID-19 vaccine. We provide you with a brief summary of these legislative amendments.


Legislation Paid Time Off

Other Relevant Information

British Columbia s. 52.13 of the Employment

In Germany, employers are obliged to take all necessary measures, including those to protect against infection (such as offering working from home, increased hygiene protections, social distancing and behavior) and offering voluntary company vaccination programs, in order to protect the health and safety of the workers in the company and to fulfil their obligations under occupational health and safety law. The newly developed vaccines are offering some hope in turning the tide in the fight against COVID-19. The Federal Labor Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht – BAG) had already provided guidance to employers on their obligations and liability in connection with employer-initiated vaccinations prior to the COVID-19 pandemic (BAG, 21.12.2017 – 8 AZR 853/16). These principles will take on considerable significance in the current situation should the new COVID-19 vaccines be available to company doctors.

South Africa is now deeply within its second wave of COVID-19 infections which appears to be significantly more widespread than that which prevailed during early to mid-2020. Since then, and in response to the pandemic, global efforts have successfully developed both expedited means of testing for the virus and, more recently, vaccines.

Employers may thus