April 2022

A new law, which amends the New York Civil Rights Law, will require New York employers to provide notice before monitoring employee electronic communications. The amendment takes effect on May 7, 2022.New Requirements for New York Employers Engaged in Electronic Monitoring to Come Into Effect May 7, 2022

What does the new law require for employers?

The new law requires that New York employers fulfill three requirements before electronically monitoring

Le 23 mars dernier, dans l’arrêt Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse c. Commission scolaire de Montréal, 2022 QCCA 398, la Cour d’appel du Québec a déterminé que la légalité de l’utilisation d’un formulaire médical pré-embauche par un employeur est une question qui relève de la juridiction

On April 1st, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) issued guidance for employers on living safely and reducing the spread of respiratory diseases such as COVID-19 to replace the previous ‘Working Safely Guidance’ after the relaxing of COVID-19 measures in the UK.

The guidance outlines ways employers can aim to reduce the spread

This blog was co-authored by Thando Ndita, candidate attorney

Last month the Minister of Employment and Labour published proposed amendments to the Employment Services Act, 2014, the purpose of which is to address high unemployment and the “high representation of foreign nationals” in the unskilled sector. Foreign nationals include all persons who

In our previous article in the Transforming Workplace series we outlined the benefits of short-term “work from anywhere”.  In this article, we focus on the advantages of introducing flexible hours and days.

The Decline (and Fall?) of the Five-Day Workweek

This article is part of our Transforming Workplace series.  Other articles exploring the opportunities,

In our previous articles in the Transforming Workplace series we examined the challenges of “work from anywhere”.  In this article, we consider the best options for introducing “work from anywhere” on a short-term basis in your organisation.

Work from Anywhere: Short-Term

This article is part of our Transforming Workplace series.  Other articles exploring the opportunities,

As many trustees begin to finally get to grips with the requirement to align their management and reporting of climate-related risks and opportunities with the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework, they may have to find a little bit more room on the governance agenda.

Speaking at the PLSA ESG Conference 2022,

Modifications en vigueur le 6 avril 2022 en matière de santé et de sécurité du travail

Le 6 octobre 2021, la Loi modernisant le régime de santé et de sécurité du travail[1] (ci‑après, la « LMRSST ») a reçu la sanction royale. Rappelons que cette loi prévoit une réforme majeure des lois québécoises en

April 2022 marks the annual increase in the current statutory payments and other employment limits, employers should ensure they are aware of these changes and make adjustments where appropriate.

From April 2022, there will be increases to statutory payments for time off work:

  • Maternity and adoption pay at the maximum prescribed rate will be increasing