March 2023

The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York recently held that, as a matter of first impression, the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act (EFAA) does not invalidate a binding arbitration agreement if the plaintiff fails to plead a plausible sexual harassment claim.

See: Yost v. Everyrelam, Inc.

April marks the annual increase in the limits (maximum and minimum) applying to certain awards of Employment Tribunals and other amounts payable under employment legislation. Employers should ensure that they are aware of these changes and make adjustments where appropriate.

Maximum Compensation Limits

From 6 April 2023, there will be increases to the maximum compensation

L’art. 41.1 de la Loi sur les normes du travail (LNT) prévoit qu’un employeur ne peut accorder à un salarié un taux de salaire inférieur à celui consenti à ses autres salariés qui effectuent les mêmes tâches dans le même établissement uniquement en raison de son statut d’emploi, notamment parce qu’il travaille habituellement

Die Vergütung von Betriebsräten soll Arbeitgebern Geld sparen und gleichzeitig eine vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit sicherstellen. Der Bundesgerichtshof macht in einer jüngeren Entscheidung strenge Vorgaben zur deren Rechtmäßigkeit (BGH, 10.01.2023 – 6 StR 133/22) und schließt eine mögliche Strafbarkeit wegen vorsätzlicher Untreue bei überhöhten Entgelten nicht aus. Arbeitgeber sollten diese Entscheidung zum Anlass nehmen, ihre bisherige Vergütungspraxis

Since the start of 2023, there have been a number of significant developments in the employment landscape in Singapore, largely focused on workplace fairness and discrimination. These developments have wide-ranging legal and practical implications for employers. Accordingly, employers should review their existing practices and procedures, including their grievance handling procedures, to ensure that they are

Aimed at regulating proceedings in the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA), the CCMA Rules serve a vital function.  However, in the recent judgment of the Labour Court, the Labour Court declined to uphold the enforcement of the CCMA’s rule regarding objections to the con/arb process.  This resulted in a default award against the

Instagram. Facebook. TikTok. Snapchat.  Four words that have not only changed today’s lexicon, but have also created new issues for today’s employers.  Incidents of “social media gone bad” are steadily appearing in workplaces and employers are struggling to strike an effective balance between protecting their businesses while still preserving their employees’ ability to freely express

En juin 2022, le législateur fédéral a apporté d’importantes modifications à la Loi sur la concurrence (la « Loi »), lesquelles auront des effets importants pour les employeurs de juridiction tant provinciale que fédérale. Notamment, certaines modifications, qui entreront en vigueur le 23 juin 2023, viennent interdire les accords entre employeurs visant à :

  • fixer, maintenir, réduire ou contrôler