This article in our Transforming Workplace series is the first in a series examining employees “working from anywhere” – an important issue facing organisations worldwide.

Work from home becomes work from anywhere

This article is part of our Transforming Workplace series.  Other articles exploring the opportunities, challenges and risk of the transforming workplace can be

Le télétravail s’est largement développé en France au fil des années, et naturellement, ce mode de travail a été particulièrement utilisé, bon gré mal gré, par les entreprises au cours de l’année 2020, à la faveur de la crise sanitaire, et des recommandations (plus ou moins liantes) du Gouvernement.

Les bases du télétravail ont été

COVID-19 is spreading across the world and companies everywhere are faced with its challenges. In circumstances where a COVID-19 case impacts your German workplace we recommend close coordination with the public health authority on how to proceed. In doing so – especially against a possible liability for illness or even death – it will show