May 2022

This is the 16th paper in our Transforming Workplace series. In our previous paper, we discussed how to make ‘work from anywhere’ work better.  In this paper we now examine whether the day of the office, as we know it, has ended

Work from Anywhere:  The end of the office? – Transforming Workplace – #16

This is the 15th paper in our Transforming Workplace series. In this paper we examine how ‘work from anywhere’ can be made to work better.

Work From Anywhere: Make it work better -Transforming Workplace – #15

This article is part of our Transforming Workplace series.  Other articles exploring the opportunities, challenges and risk of

Speaking to banking colleagues recently about what the Pensions Regulator’s stronger powers mean for them reminded me just how much turns on the Regulator’s view of what is reasonable.

There has been a great deal of discussion about the wide range of circumstances in which the Regulator could use its various powers (what the Regulator

Le 23 mars dernier, dans la décision Syndicat des travailleuses et travailleurs de la Coop Lanaudière CSN c. Coop Novago, 2022 QCTAT 1324 (« Coop Novago »), le Tribunal administratif du travail (le « Tribunal ») a conclu que l’employeur ne peut, en ayant recours au télétravail, contourner les dispositions anti-briseurs de grève.


Pour mémoire, avant l’entrée en vigueur du « barème Macron », en cas de licenciement sans cause réelle et sérieuse, il appartenait au juge de fixer l’indemnisation visant à réparer le préjudice du salarié et la loi n’avait fixé aucun maximum.  Ainsi le juge fixait le montant des dommages-intérêts avec une grande latitude et sans

As Singapore takes its next step towards living with COVID-19, the Ministry of Manpower (“MOM”), the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) and the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) (collectively, the “Tripartite Partners”) have issued a revised set of guidelines for employers on the COVID-19 measures to be implemented at the workplace

On 10 May at the State Opening of Parliament, the legislative intention of the Government for the next parliamentary session was set out in the Queen’s Speech.  Despite the speech containing proposals for 38 new laws, the long awaited Employment Bill was omitted.

The Employment  Bill, which was first proposed in 2019, was intended to

To avoid fines, the lawful processing of employee data must respect the principle regarding data retention. Employers are obliged to erase data that is no longer required, in particular regarding the publication of employee profiles or data processed in connection with COVID-19. A recent decision (Neuruppin Labor Court, December 14, 2021 – ref. 2 Ca 554/21) emphasizes once again an employer’s obligations to comply with data governance.